Peel Amateur Radio Group
Winlink - Club coordinator - Jenny VK6JEN
WinLink VK6ARG RMS Gateway (Vara Modulation)
Dial Frequencies: 7044.5 KHz, 10132.5 KHz, 14093.0 KHz, 21096.0 KHz
Links for Winlink
Winlink Wednesday - Virginia USA
PARG Winlink Practice Sessions
PARG WinLink Remote Message Service
This is the link for the “Winlink-Programs-Group” Google group to the Winlink info page (search for it in Google Groups) – this group is THE group for anyone –users and sysops like Jen and Myself – to ask questions, read other operators trials and tribulations (and maybe learn something along the way) as this group is run and moderated by the people that actually wrote the software….I’ve learnt more by reading other peoples questions and the subsequent conversations than through any other means. Bugs can also be posted to this group. Covers everything from radio setups, software setups, operational queries, and anything inbetween. It’s the ducks nuts!
No issue with anyone joining – callsign, name and so on are all that’s required. Being a Google Group like the PARG Group, it’ll be very easy for members to join in.